Project Overview
In our project we are attempting to integrate two techonologies together, text messaging and remote car starters. We are going to attempt to use text messages to send simple commands, such as start, to another text message reciever in order to start a vehicle. Our project involves research into the history of cell phones, microprocessors such as Gravely's Eye-Q, and remote car starters. We will also attempt to look into any other product on the market that may incorporate a similar in idea.
How it Works
Sending a text message
- The user sends specific commands to the text message reciever
- The computer uses AT-Commands to check for new messages
- The computer looks for keywords in the message such as "start"
- The computer then performs the requested task
Changing background color
The computer gets a specific background color
The screen then changes to that color
The computer then sends a conformation message
Starting the car
The computer sends the Eye-Q a binary command to turn on specific pins on the Eye-Q, such as the remote start wire
The temperature sensor sends a binary statement back to the Eye-Q, and to the computer to get the current temperature